First year highlights, summer plans, hopes for 2nd year plus working from home by IDEA Grad 2023

First year highlights, summer plans, hopes for 2nd year plus working from home by IDEA Grad 2023

We asked IDEA School of Design Grad 2023 for one highlight from their 1st year, their plans for summer, what they were looking forward to in 2nd year and their thoughts on transitioning to off-campus remote learning during this challenging time. Here’s what they had to say!

One highlight from first year was the new mediums I got to try out. In the summer, I plan to work and build up more portfolio pieces. In second year, I look forward to learning more about creative software.

Now that I’m in self-isolation, I’m getting so much work done! And online classes are actually working really well!
— Aleks Jones
The highlight from first year has been getting to know everyone from my program. It is nice when you are in a smaller classroom because you can get to know everyone really well. Everyone is super supportive and helpful that it almost feels like a second family.

For the summer I am currently looking for an internship at a design firm. In my free time, I am planning on experimenting with mediums I used in first year such as oil painting because I really enjoyed using it and want to get better.

For second year, I am looking forward to learning how to work digitally because I came to this program only knowing how to draw traditional so I’m excited for the change of pace.

Although the world feels crazy right now, this pandemic has taught me how to adapt to situations and make the most out of it.
— Amanda Wong
A highlight from first year would be the classmates I befriended and seeing the wide range of art styles they have and what their strengths are! My plans for the summer are to go back to my home in Alberta and hopefully get back to grooming for the summer and also keep up with drawing! Diving into digital media for I have never had much experience with it!
— Cale Cooper
I really enjoyed the IDEA Challenge, it was so different from anything else we have done so far in the program and it was a lot of fun, especially since it includes all years in IDEA. My plans for the summer are to work. I’m looking forward to improving my work and tackling the second year hurdle.
— Connie Low
Highlight: Learning to paint! Summer: Work on personal projects. Next Year: Learning more about typography.
— Dallas McKinnon
I really enjoyed the collaborative design challenge before the winter break. Hopefully I can visit the Philippines for a week in May, unless the pandemic will still be around then. Looking forward to diving deeper into digital work!

Having online classes is great—especially now that I have four extra hours every day to work and relax (not travel)!
— David Bautista
Friends that make the program more bearable during times when it’s stressful.

Well I wanted a job and do some stuff but I’m not sure if that’s going to happen with all the Covid-19 stuff going on.

Honestly I don’t know. I know it’s going to be different so I don’t know what to look forward to.

It’s sad to move out of the classroom so soon and not be able to see the works of others easily but I’m glad our online method is working pretty well than expected!
— Grace Choi
Highlight: Creating photorealistic paintings.

Summer: Finding a summer job as a creative.

Next Year: Working more in digital.

Working from home: It’s nice to work from the comfort of home while also receiving the necessary education.
— Harlen Bertrand
A highlight from 1st year for me would be pretty much every exam or test we studied for. I didn’t know you could have so much fun studying. Sandrine would make Kahoot quizzes and we would all be stressed out of our minds but would also be making jokes and anecdotes to remember names of artists and what pieces they painted. It was a good class bonding experience. Duccio sucks.

I’ve got a couple jobs that will hopefully take me back for the summer, so work is all I’ve really got going on. If I have time, I’ll hopefully be able to work on some portfolio pieces and personal projects.

I’m looking forward to learning more about the industry and what career prospects are like. I love a good challenge.
— Jamie Kusack
Highlight of first year is for sure meeting new friends and being in an environment of talented people. Plans for summer are to work and travel. In second year, I’m looking forward to improving my skills and entering a new studio located on the 2nd floor!
— Justin Filippone
I don’t know if I have a specific highlight, but I really enjoyed making friends and learning about their talents! Summer: Just working and saving up for tuition. Next Year: Excited to master the Creative Suite since I mainly work in Photoshop.

I’ve been enjoying the transition to be honest. Without four hours of commuting everyday, I’ve had a lot more time to do my work. It’s also nice having lecture with a cat in my lap!
— Kelsea Vance
My favourite part of first-year would be the community/friends you make. Everyone supports each other and there is a real sense of camaraderie that is awesome. My plans for the summer are quite blurry, even more now with coronavirus. I would love to either find an internship in Montreal for graphic design or travel in France. I am looking forward to more classes about design and solidifying a bond with my classmates.

Regarding self-isolation, everyone is extremely supportive and collaborative which is amazing to see.
— Margaux Worrall
I love the critiques we did in class. They really helped me identify what’s good art and how to create good art.

I plan to learn about automotive mechanical engineering this summer.

I’m looking forward to digital projects in second year.

Working from home has been great! Not having to catch the bus in the morning is also really nice. It’s tough not being able to socialize and go outside much but I do find myself being much more focused and inspired to work on my school projects. Stay safe everyone!
— Marco Mo
I don’t really remember the highlight. Summer: It depends on the virus. I will go back to China if everything calms down by summer. I want to learn something more practical in the second year.
— Max Feng
Learning how to paint in oils. Summer: Work on a bunch of personal art projects and work towards setting up an online shop to sell prints. Next year: I’m looking forward to building a greater portfolio of work and working more with typography.
— Megan Barry
There were so many highlights, but I have to say I loved getting to know everyone in the class! This summer I’m going to work and go boating as much as I can! I’m looking forward to all the new things I’ll be learning digitally and seeing my development as a graphic designer!
— Mia Canderan
There was a life drawing class where someone came in wearing the sickest steampunk costume and we got to draw it! Life drawing class was so much fun :) Summer: Seeing friends, exploring BC and eating good food! Next year: Getting to work more with digital mediums.
— Michelle Viet
Highlight from first year: I like the diversity of projects we had and enjoyed working in a wide range of mediums in first semester. I wasn’t crazy about gouache, but who knows, maybe I’ll give it another shot...

I’ll spend my Summer working, hanging with friends and chilling outdoors with a journal in hand.

I’m looking forward to getting more familiar with the Adobe Suite so that I have the tools I need to better execute my projects!

I think the online format has been working very well. It’s easy to connect with each other, especially with a smaller class. We’re also lucky since the work we do can be done remotely. It’s a little weird to be at home 24/7, but at the same time there are so many creative things that you can do and learn while self-isolating so I try to focus on the positive!
— Natasha Jones
My highlight from first year was probably doing poster design in second term, I loved getting the chance to play with new concepts and ideas!

This summer I plan to go to London for a bit and hopefully get to work a lot when I’m back in Vancouver.

I’m excited for more design classes in second year! That’s what I find the most interesting is design and product packaging.
— Nisa Hansen
The biggest highlight of first year has been how much I’ve learnt — from classes and projects, and especially from my peers. I might take a couple summer electives and work for the summer. I’m super excited for our typography class next term!!
— Sandrine Dionne
The main highlight of year one was at the beginning when I met the people I would spend the next 4 years with. Summer: Practice using the Adobe Suite and selling my work. Next term: improving my compositions.
— Scott McDonald
The highlight moment would be Andrew’s demo, Jeff’s demo and Pascal’s demo. I will probably take some courses about Photoshop, illustrator and so on cuz I still have to improve my tech skills. I love illustration and I’m looking forward for more digital stuff and packaging design.
— Sisy Wong
A lot has happened in first year, but one of the highlights are the reoccurring inside jokes.

During the summer I am going to take summer school and get the required courses out of the way as soon as I can.

I am looking forward to getting better in the other branches of graphic design for second year.

It’s an interesting feeling waking up and having the same schedule, except the part where I need to leave.
— Terence Zhu

Thanks to everyone for making our inaugural IDEA School of Design online experience a success! Happy social distancing!

The Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication is a four-year degree program offered by the IDEA School of Design. The focus of the Bachelor of Design at Capilano University is career preparation. The Bachelor of Design allows students to specialize in branding, illustration or interactive design, and offers a flexible curriculum to meet individual student goals.

Follow the cohort on Insta @ideatwentythree.

Late Applications for Fall 2020 close April 15, 2020.

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