A Fall Painting Show

A Fall Painting Show

This past summer, IDEA instructor and established painter-illustrator Jeff Burgess mentored 4 IDEA students in his studio: on Mondays, Lilian Leung and Brendan Walsh, and on Thursdays Jeremy Browns and Tony Yu.

On a recent Saturday afternoon, Jeff hosted a one-day exhibition for the quartet to unveil what they’ve been working on. There were refreshments, the burble of a garden fountain, refracted sunlight lighting the work to fine effect, and considerable interest – not least in the form of sales.

A piece by Lilian
A piece by Lilian

Open Studio Day, Saturday Nov 15

The Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC) Annual Summer Barbecue at Trout Lake Park

The Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC) Annual Summer Barbecue at Trout Lake Park