A Farewell to Judy Snaydon by Carol Aitken and Faculty

A Farewell to Judy Snaydon by Carol Aitken and Faculty

Instructor, Judy Snaydon is retiring! Check out this farewell story written by IDEA School of Design Co-Coordinator, Carol Aitken and faculty! Illustration (shown above) by Raha Namdari (IDEA Grad 2023).

Carol Aitken

Two things stand out to me – first the efforts Judy has made in championing Indigenization – from the blanket exercises that she arranged for the students, to the joint first-year project she ran with Doreen Manuel and her IIDF students, to working with David Geary on Truth and Reconciliation week activities. She has helped to raise the profile of the IDEA department at Cap when it comes to Indigenization through her presentations at various university-wide events, including CTE PD-week activities and the Capilano Universe Lecture Series. I remember so many instructors from other departments being blown away by the results from that IIDF-IDEA project. She has also been active in building bridges with other departments at Cap and is fairly well known at the university because of this. And now we have hired someone Judy first introduced to the program - Bracken Corlett, our first Indigenous instructor – who will be teaching the Indigenous project in the Design Studio class – a real feather in our caps but the thanks go to Judy for that introduction.

Outside the program Judy has contributed by being elected to Senate where she served for a full 2-year term, she’s been on SAPPRC forever and is still on it, she was on the original committee for the development of Cap Core – and I’m sure other things I’m not even aware of.

The other thing that stands out to me is how much Judy has worked to build connections between the program and the industry. Not just in inviting guest speakers but in setting up the 3rd year mentorship projects that pair each student with an industry mentor where they work on a project together. Most of those projects end up in final portfolios and many students cite it as one of the best parts of their education. Judy also worked to build the 4th year Practicum project into the well-oiled machine it is today. She established strong connections with industry and managed to keep those relationships working through even the most challenging student placements. This year Judy has been an advisor on the Practicum as it passes to Ben and Mark, so we are well set up for the future.

Judy has been such a bright spark in our program. Always interested in doing better, being better; her commitment to both personal and professional growth has been a constant inspiration. Her curiosity and interest in supporting progressive teaching methods and leading cultural change has inspired all of us to push ourselves. She ensured the students learned the skills they wanted to, but more importantly, the skills they needed to. We are all richer for having worked with and learned from her.
— Dominique Walker
Judy has been 100% committed to making the IDEA program the best version of itself. A passionate advocate for both students and faculty, she’s not afraid to push for improvements to curriculum or university process that will better everyone’s experience. I’m hoping I can still pick her brain…maybe while sitting with a glass of wine overlooking the ocean from her beachfront home?
— Heather Jalbout
I’d always thought about teaching, but my work never left much extra space to explore it as an option. I first met Judy when she approached me after I spoke on a panel for one of the local design schools, and invited me to come speak to her 2nd year class. Her frank, pragmatic, and open approach to learning was inspiring to see first-hand, and really showed how impactful teaching could be. My time teaching at Capilano has provided some of the most rewarding experiences of my professional career, and if it wasn’t for Judy’s example (and very valuable advice along the way), I’d probably still just be thinking about it in-between too many client meetings.
— Mark Stokoe
Having known Judy for many years, I’ve always found in her a kindred spirit: we come from the same professional background in the Outdoor Industry, are inspired by teaching at Cap, love our bikes, and are both headed for Island life (she’s already there!). Here’s to lots of whales and dolphins passing by!
— Thomas Duguid
Judy Snaydon is always kind, thoughtful and sharing of how things could be better...both from a design perspective and as a Creative Human™. Her contributions to the IDEA program will be so appreciated from both students and instructors alike. I still remember the 2018 DesignThinkers conference when I anticipated talks from designer rockstars....and Judy’s talk about IDEA students collaborating with the Indigenous Independent Digital Filmmaking students was the one talk that impressed me the most. I wish I got to work with you more Judy, and I am grateful for our times together. Happy retirement and beautiful island days in Lantzville!
— Nancy Wu
I have always admired Judy’s passion and dedication as an instructor and a peer. She is always willing to get involved and has been an amazing advocate for indigenous issues and rights. I first met her through the GDC, and even then, she was always active, energetic, and vocal; unafraid to express her views about what she believes in. The students, the IDEA program and the university as a whole will really miss her wisdom and passion.
— Vida Jurcic
I’ll always remember Judy making me feel welcome by winking at me at my first IDEA School of Design faculty meeting. Since then, I’ve got to know her very well as both a colleague and a friend. We’re usually the first to look at each other and suggest beers after faculty meetings. She has worked tirelessly at improving IDEA and building campus-wide relationships. She will definitely be missed. Although I hear she wants to continue to be involved with IDEA by helping me with blog stories! 😉
— James Neufeld
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